Saturday, January 7, 2017

Five hundred years from now, your documents on Google Drive might still be available. -- Creating a digital library from parents and students using Google Drive and -- building for 500 years from now.

It's 1464.  Ten years after the Gutenberg Bible was published.  Your ancestor was a teacher and your ancestor wanted to put some lessons into print so that students in other cities can learn from his/her work.
The Gutenberg Bible is the first substantial book printed in the West with moveable metal type. Before its printing in 1454 or 1455, books were either copied by hand or printed from engraved wooden blocks—processes that could take months or years to complete.

The Gutenberg Bible
Fast forward 500 years.  People could go to a museum and see those lectures from 1964.
See a selection from Matt's book
or get it at

Come to the present.  It's 2017 and you are putting your lessons on the Internet and you have found some books that you want to share.

Teaching as a Subversive Activity.
The Free ebooks by Dr. Fischler (Commentaries by Dr. Fischler located at and Matt Blazek (Projects)
The Spanish translation of Audrey Flack's observations (Art and Soul in Spanish)

These books are EBOOKS on a Google drive somewhere in West Virginia or in Washington State.  Those files could be there another 400 years.

Fast forward to 2517.  Five hundred years from now, your documents on Google Drive might still be available.  The Guternberg Bible is still around in 2517.  How about your lesson plans?  How about your copy as a PDF of Neil Postman's book, Teaching as a Subversive Activity.

Go to   AAAAAWWWW!  What a sahme!  That file is no longer available!  Why?

By 2517, many of the files on my Google Drive under will be gone.  I currently spend $2 a month to pay for extra space on Google Drive.   When I die, that payment won't happen.  The files over 15 Gigabytes will be erased.   The PDF of Neil Postman's book will be gone.

That's why I have started a new gmail account and it has only 311 MB used so far... on   The new quicklink is

"Long" is my way of remembering to put the QUICKLINK only to files that will be assured a long life.   Yes, there will be other ways to store documents, but the Internet will keep the older files, just as you can go to WAYBACK MACHINE and find your documents that were deleted when was shut down. I can still find pages at

Here's a search of the terms "steve mccrea fcat howard gardner performance of understanding"
That's a page from the past.  Even though the original page is out of print, someone kept some of the material "alive" and active.

I can keep this material "ALIVE" on a Google Drive Document.  I can open the document, past the text, save and none of that info is counted against my 15 GB of free space.  I created a document.  If I upload a PDF of the page, I "spend" some of the free space to store it.

I collect materials that I want to share with parents and students.  I want that material available to them.  Yes, I can point them to "arjuna toys taasa" and they can find the Postman PDF, or I can store that document on MY Google drive and make a quicklink with to that document.

Teaching as a Subversive Activity - Kairos School of Inquiry

by N Postman - ‎Cited by 2060 - ‎Related articles
TEACHING AS A SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITYNeil Postman & Charles Weingartner. Contents .... problem, and that is exactly what this book tries to be about. This book ..... us is free of it, but it is the sign of a competent 'crap detector' that he is not.

Arjuna is a nice guy, but his webiste msith someday be retired or not supported.  The hundreds of ebooks that he has stored might not be found... but I have copies of those EBOOKS.

By using the free space offered by Google, I'm hoping that students and parents twenty, fifty, even 500 yeasr form now will be reading Neil Postman's chapter 12, where he suggests that teachers listen more than lecture.

Step one:  click on SHARING
Step 2:  switch from PRIVATE to PUBLIC

Step 3:  Here is the PDF for Postman's book

Go ahead.   >>>  <<<

THE DIRECTORY for the Digital Ebook Library is the directory where Postman's book is stored.   

Click HERE to see the FREE EBOOK

I'm proud of my wife's fabulous book of photos about Vaison La Romaine in Provence.  "Eyes on Provence" is the series from Roadlovers.  You can see her blog at Photos by Roadlovers and Roadlovers International  Share the Quick Link

By direct link (in case stops functioning), you can click HERE and get to JK's book.

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